An incredible and perhaps even racist attack by Grahame Morris, a former advisor to the ruling Liberal party in Australian has been reported around the world. The politician was discussing the possibility of a gay marriage vote taking place in Australia and remarked that the Irish…
‘…are people who can’t grow potatoes….. They’ve got a mutant lawn weed as their national symbol and they can’t verbalize the difference between tree and the number three. But, and then all of a sudden, Australia has to follow suit’ (to hold a gay marriage referendum).
It is unclear if the reference to potatoes is an insult to the memory of those Million people who died during the 1845-1849 Great Famine in Ireland or if the insulter was lamenting the current ability of Irish people to grow potatoes. His reference to the Irish Shamrock as a ‘mutant lawn weed’ perhaps reveals more about his own anti-Irish bias than it does about his knowledge of gardening.
(Dont worry Australia, we know you aren’t all like this idiot.)