Canadian Astronaut Sings ‘Ride On’ to Lord Mayor Of Dublin
Colonel Chris Hadfield is perhaps the most famous Canadian Astronaut in history. Not only was he the first Canadian to walk in space but he also tweeted some marvellous images of Ireland and the world while serving aboard the International Space Station. His images became an Internet sensation. Now retired from active service he visited Ireland recently as a ‘tourism ambassador’ and regaled the Lord Mayor of Dublin with his version of ‘Ride On’, performed before a packed hall at the Mansion House, the Mayor’s residence in the city. The Colonel is also especially admired in Ireland for sending the … Continue reading Canadian Astronaut Sings ‘Ride On’ to Lord Mayor Of Dublin
Funeral Directors Aim Daggers At Irish Minister
The recent decision by the Irish Government to scrap the ‘Bereavement Grant’ has less than impressed those involved in the Funeral business in Ireland. The 850 Euro grant was previously paid to families of the recently deceased to assist with funeral expenses. In an attempt to deflect from criticism of the grant’s abolition Ruairi Quinn, the Irish Education Minister, suggested that there is ‘insufficient competition’ in the funeral business in Ireland. Clearly he thinks that the cost of funerals is being inflated by the bereavement grant and thus has no problem disposing of it. It is estimated that the cost … Continue reading Funeral Directors Aim Daggers At Irish Minister
Alcohol Abuse in Ireland Targeted by Irish Government
A new Public Health Bill is to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol products based on the alcohol content of the drink. The new laws are an effort to reduce the consumption of cheaper high-alcohol beers, wines and spirits. For the first time products will be targeted based on the actual amount of alcohol they contain. Other new measures include: * From 2016 alcohol advertising on TV and Radio is to be confined to evening time. * Advertising of alcohol in Cinemas will be confined to over-18 movies only. * Outdoor advertising of alcohol will also be restricted. * Supermarkets and … Continue reading Alcohol Abuse in Ireland Targeted by Irish Government
Opinion Polls driving Fianna Fail and Fine Gael together – Doom for Labour Party
The prospect of Fianna Fail entering a coalition with Fine Gael after the next General Election is looking ever more possible. A recent Irish Times/Ipsos MRBI opinion poll certainly points toward such a possibility and also makes very, very bad reading for the Labour Party. Labour are currently in Government with Fine Gael whom they joined in coalition after the 2011 General Election. Fine Gael took the bulk of the Fianna Fail vote with Labour also soaring to new highs in the hope that the party would see off the money-men of the EU/IMF/ECB troika who were/are hated by large … Continue reading Opinion Polls driving Fianna Fail and Fine Gael together – Doom for Labour Party
Irish Rejection of Seanad Abolition is a National Disgrace
The defeat of the proposal to abolish the powerless Seanad House in the recent Referendum in Ireland is a damning indictment of the Irish people. The Seanad House is the upper house of the Irish parliament. It cannot prevent legislation from Dail Eireann (the main parliament) being enacted and has for decades been used as a way to bail out failed politicians and to reward public figures who supported the Government of the time. It is not accountable to the Irish electorate with many members of the Seanad either being appointed by University Graduates or directly by the Government of … Continue reading Irish Rejection of Seanad Abolition is a National Disgrace
Dublin Property Market Increase Sparks Fear Of A New Bubble
The Irish people do not need any reminding of the devastating effect that a property bubble can have. Back in 2008 when the property market in Ireland imploded the Irish banks had to go cap-in-hand to the Government for support. ‘Back us or the ATMs will stop working’ was the blunt message offered to the Irish politicians of the time. They duly obliged by underwriting the deposits held by the banks, preventing any mass withdrawal of funds by the public and financial institutions. The problem with the bank guarantee was that, while it kept the ATMs operating it also underwrote … Continue reading Dublin Property Market Increase Sparks Fear Of A New Bubble
OPINION: Irish Media Bias in Seanad Abolition Referendum
The upcoming referendum to decide if the upper house of the Irish Parliament (known as the Seanad) should be abolished is having a number of interesting side-effects. The poll will be held on October 4th. On the one hand it is both a tragicomedy and a farce to observe those who are members of the Seanad desperately try to convince a near bankrupt electorate that they should be kept in their privileged positions. Rarely in the history of Ireland have the ‘working classes’ been afforded an opportunity such as this to remind the elite of exactly who rules. The real … Continue reading OPINION: Irish Media Bias in Seanad Abolition Referendum