The Information about Ireland Site Newsletter
October 1998

The Newsletter for people interested in Ireland
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Copyright (C) 1998
("What for?" I hear you say).
Thanks for the feedback and kind comments that have been received
at the site. It is great to know that our visitors feel that the
site is worth dropping into on a regular basis.
We do listen to your comments and suggestions and that is why we have
expanded the number of famous Irish Family names in the Heraldic Hall
from 40 to 110! We have included a brief family history AND have upgraded
the images of the actual Coats of Arms as well.
We aim to be the most extensive source of information about the different
family names of Irish origin on the web.
Feel free to forward this newsletter in its entirety to
anyone you think might be interested. Drop us a line if
you have any queries - we THRIVE on feedback.
If you must unsubscribe then go
......but you'll be missing out!
In this issue:-
~~~~~ New free resources at the site
~~~~~ Get a Custom Made Irish Family Name Screensaver
~~~~~ News snaps from Ireland
~~~~~ Article about getting Irish Citizenship
~~~~~ The 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland
~~~~~ How to start the Search for your Irish Roots
~~~~~ Monthly free competition result
~~~~~ Recommended
Irish Coats of Arms
We have added 70 new names to the Gallery of Irish
Coats of Arms and Family Histories. Remember that you can copy
the images for use on your web page.
Full listing of all the names in the Gallery:
A Ahearne McAuley McAuliffe
B Barry Bell Blake Boland Burke Byrne O'Brien
C Carroll Casey Connell Connolly Crowley Culhane Cullen Cusack McCabe O'Connor McCarthy
D Daly Doherty Donnellan Donnelly Doyle Dunne McDermott McDonagh McDonnell
F Farrell Fitzgerald Flanagan Flynn Fogarty French Friel
G Gallagher Geraghty Geoghegan McGovern McGrath O'Grady
H Hannon Hanratty Hickey O'Hagan O'Halloran O'Hanlon O'Hara O'Hea
I McInerney
J Jordan Joyce
K Kane Kavanagh Kelly Kennedy McKenna O'Keeffe
L Lally Lawlor Lynch McLoughlin O'Leary
M Maguire Maher Molony Monaghan Mooney Moore Moriarty Moroney McManus McMorrow Murphy O'Mahony O'Malley
N Neilan Nolan Nugent O'Neill McNally McNamara
P Phelan Plunkett Power
Q Quinn McQuillan Quigley Quinlan
R Rafferty Redmond Reilly Reynolds Roche Ryan O'Regan O'Rourke
S Sullivan Sheehan Sheridan Shields McSweeney O'Shaughnessy O'Shea
T Taaffe Tobin O'Toole
W Walsh Whelan
To visit the Gallery
click here.
Free Postcard Service
At last and by popular request we have included a totally
Free Postcard service for our visitors. Now you can send a message
to a friend with one of our beautiful images of Ireland OR you can send
an image of a specific Irish family Coat of Arms to a friend (Example:
Got a friend called Mary Kelly?...then send her the Kelly Coat of Arms....easy!).
We will be adding free Christmas cards soon so make sure you check back regularly. To send a free postcard
click here.
If you are interested in getting a CUSTOM MADE SCREENSAVER for a particular Irish family name then visit the Heraldic Hall by
clicking here. We can even send these to a friend or family member of you choice as a gift if
you wish. These Screensavers make wonderful personal gifts with Christmas getting closer and closer so do stop by and have a look.
Irish Permanent and Irish Life in merger talks: Two of the countries most
famous financial institutions are currently engaged in talks that, if successful, would
see the formation of the third largest banking company in the country. Shares of both companies soared after the news. Irish Permanent shares climbed to 975p per share (quite near the all time high of 1045p). It remains unclear at this stage if the proposed merger will mean a windfall of shares for account holders. Certainly with any deal needing shareholder approval it is possible that a 'sweetener' may be offered.
Abbey National, the UK mortgage lender who are widely expected to take over Irish Permanent in the future, are monitoring events with interest.
The Republic of Ireland Football match away to Yugoslavia was postponed until November (probably the 18th.) because of the trouble in Kosovo. Mick McCarthy, the Ireland manager is not bothered by this delay as it has given both Keith O'Neill (Norwich) and the teenage sensation Robbie Keane (Wolves), time to recouperate after recent injuries. The Irish team
added to their claim for a place in the finals in Holland/Belgium by hammering Malta 5-0 at Landsdowne Road. The next match away to Yugoslavia will be a real benchmark of Irelands abilities to qualify with most observers estimating that a draw would be a very good result indeed.
Paul Ward trial continues in Dublin: The trial of the man accused of murdering crime journalist Veronica Guerin continues despite attempts by Wards legal team to have the charges dismissed because of irregularities with the arrest. The judge ruled against the defendants motion. Veronica Guerin was a noted crime journalist who to a large part exposed 'The General', Martin Cahill, who is now the subject of 2 Cinema releases.
Interest Rates start to fall: In what is expected to be only the beginning of interest rate cuts the majority of lending institutions have dropped their rates by at least three quarters of 1 per cent. Irish rates are expected to fall by another 2% by the end of the year.
Fine Gael retain seat in by-election in Cork: John Bruton the leader of Fine Gael maintains that the ballot indicates public dissatisfaction with Fianna Fail. An Taoiseach, Bertie Ahearn, was quick to point out that an Irish Government has not won a by-election of any description in nearly half a century.
Getting Irish Citizenship has a number of advantages. For a start you will be able to pass Customs within the European Union much easier than before and if you are interested in working within the EU then having a passport of an EU country will make things a lot easier. There are potential Health and Welfare benefits also.
Eligiblity: If you have 1 or more Irish born parents then you are automatically considered a citizen and can apply for a Passport straight away. A person will be eligible if one of thier grandparents was Irish and possibly even if one of their great-grandparents was Irish. You can also apply for citizenship if you are the child of a naturalised Irish citizen, providing you were born after your parent was naturalized. Marrying an Irish citizen is another route whereby citizenship may possibly be obtained.
If you are a U.S. citizen you can apply directly to The Embassy of Ireland, 2234 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC, 20008, (202) 462-3939 or to any of the Consulate Offices of Ireland, a full listing of which is avaible by
clicking here.
Documentation: You will need to supply the long version of your Birth Certificate and those of any relatives that you are claiming citizenship through. Marraige and Death certificates where applicable will be required. You will also need to provide extensive proof of you own identity (Passport, Driving License, Work Identification card, etc.). You will need 2 Passport size photographs.
There is a fee of up to US$179 for adults, US$64 for applicants under 18 years of age. The hardest part of the process is collecting the required documentation, especially the Birth certificates of relatives (Grandparents who may be deceased, etc.). You will not in any way jeopardise your currently held Citizenship or Passport status by holding 'dual' citizenship. To get the process started, contact the Irish Consulate in your country, (details from
The seven patriots who were executed in 1916 for their part in the Easter Rising were commemorated on Irish Postage stamps in 1966, 50 years after the rebellion. Revisionism of the event has further shown the importance of the uprising as for the first time, mass public opinion was forced to reconsider the fate of English rule and to decide that national self-determination was the only way forward.
Eamonn DeVelera and Michael Collins emerged from the ruins of 1916 and it is clear that the will of both men was to change the future of Ireland forever. The Information about Ireland Site has prepared a special report which is free for your use. It can be downloaded from
We have also created a souvenir gift print featuring the Proclamation of Irish Independence as read by Padraig Pearse and a set of the genuine 1966 commemorative Irish postage stamps.
To view the print
click here.
1. Start with your immediate family, consult each of them individually
2. Create an individual profile for each family member found
3. Consult the official records held at the National Library in Dublin
4. Consider the examination of official census documents and 'census substitutes'
5. Examination of legal documents such as Wills will provide more leads
6. Remember that family names and spellings change over the years
7. Consult parish records.
If all of the above sounds too daunting then you should consider employing one of the many genealogical researchers that are available. The Information about Ireland Site has prepared a special report on this subject, details of which are available in the Heraldic Hall (see Publications) by
clicking here.
The winner was:
who will receive either of the following:
Our Superb 1798 Rebellion Print
Click here to view
Our 45 Page Tourist report:'Ireland 100 things to Do - 500 Places to Stay'
Click here for more information
Our Irish Genealogy Report:'How to start the search for your Irish Roots'
Click here for more information
Well Done! Remember that all subscribers to this
newsletter are automatically entered into the competition every time.
If you are interested in Irish music then CDIRELAND is the place to go. They offer a free newsletter to keep you up to date with the Irish music scene and an excellent on-line service which should prove very useful with Christmas so near.
To visit click here.
Thats it!
Until the next time,
stay safe.
Michael Green,
The Information about Ireland Site.
Click here to contact us